Project IOSCS – Innovative Open Source Courses for Computer Science Curriculum, Erasmus+  grant no. 2019-1-PL01-KA203-065564

Participants of project

Consortium of three universities from Poland, Slovak and Czech Republic:
  • Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie, Poland (ZUT)
  • Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Slovak Republic (ŽU)
  • Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Czech Republic (MENDELU)

The goal of project

Open source software is very useful tool for many applications, namely in teaching process. So the main goal of the project is to develop 6 courses for university level of informatics study which are innovative and use only open source software. Each university of project consortium developed two courses according to its specialization. The courses are:
  1. Mobile Application Development (ZUT) – the textbook
  2. Wireless Signal Processing in GNU Radio Environment (ZUT) – the textbook
  3. Probability and Statistics with Programming in R (ŽU) – the textbook
  4. Mathematical Analysis supported by wxMaxima (ŽU) – the textbook
  5. Open Source Tools for Text Processing (MENDELU) – the textbook
  6. Algorithmisation and Programming in Lua (MENDELU) – the textbook


  • First project meeting – Opening the project; Szczecin, September 2019
  • Next meetings are postponed due to COVID-19
  • The project was interrupted (a half of year) and closing of project was postponed to August 2022
  • Next two project meetings were in on-line form
  • In Žilina was organized First Summer School (September 2021)
  • In Brno was organized 1st International Conference on Open Source tools in Computer Science university education (October 2021) – proceedings
  • Next project meeting was in Žilina (April 2022)
  • In Brno was organized Second Summer School (May/June 2022)
  • In Žilina was organized 2nd International Conference on Open Source tools in Computer Science university education (June 2022) – proceedings
  • Project was interrupted due to serious illness of Žilina participant's coordinator; closing of project was postponed to December 2022
  • Closing project meeting was organized in Dziwnów/Szczecin, December 2022

Intellectual Outputs